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Alleviating Gluteus Medius and Quadratus Lumborum Pain When Walking Downstairs with JANMI Massage

Hip muscles anatomy in mediaeval style

Hello, my dear readers,

Experiencing pain in the gluteus medius and quadratus lumborum while walking downstairs is a common yet often overlooked issue. These muscle groups play critical roles in maintaining balance and stability during movement. Understanding the origins of this pain and how the JANMI Method, incorporating massage and trigger point therapy, can provide effective relief is crucial for those seeking lasting solutions.

Understanding the Gluteus Medius and Quadratus Lumborum

The gluteus medius is a vital muscle located on the outer surface of the pelvis. It plays a significant role in stabilising the hip and pelvis during walking and running. When descending stairs, the gluteus medius works to control the pelvis, preventing excessive tilting and providing stability. Weakness or tightness in this muscle can lead to pain and discomfort.

The quadratus lumborum (QL), situated in the lower back, connects the iliac crest to the lower ribs and lumbar vertebrae. This muscle helps with side bending and stabilising the spine. Pain in the QL can result from muscle imbalances, poor posture, or overuse, often manifesting as a deep ache or sharp pain when performing activities like walking downstairs.

Common Causes of Pain

Several factors can contribute to pain in these muscle groups when navigating stairs:

1. Muscle Imbalances: Weakness in the gluteus medius or overcompensation by other muscles can cause pain and discomfort.

2. Poor Posture: Prolonged periods of poor posture can lead to tightness and stress in the QL.

3. Overuse: Repetitive activities or sudden increases in physical activity can strain these muscles.

4. Trigger Points: These are tight areas within the muscle tissue that cause referred pain and can contribute to the discomfort experienced.

How JANMI Method Can Help

The JANMI Method is a comprehensive approach to pain relief, combining massage, trigger point therapy, and personalised exercises. This method is designed to address the root causes of pain, promoting overall well-being and long-term relief.

1. Massage Therapy: Targeted massage techniques are employed to relax tight muscles, improve circulation, and enhance tissue elasticity. By focusing on the gluteus medius and quadratus lumborum, massage therapy can alleviate tension and reduce pain.

2. Trigger Point Therapy: This involves applying pressure to specific points within the muscle tissue to release tight knots and relieve referred pain. Trigger points in the gluteus medius and QL can be effectively treated using this technique, providing significant relief from discomfort.

3. Personalised Exercises: The JANMI Method includes tailored exercises to strengthen weak muscles and improve posture. Strengthening the gluteus medius and ensuring proper function of the QL are crucial for preventing future pain.

Interesting Facts:

- The gluteus medius is often referred to as the "deltoid of the hip" due to its similar function in stabilising the joint.

- The quadratus lumborum is sometimes called the "hip hiker" muscle because it helps lift the hip during walking and climbing stairs.

- Trigger points in the gluteus medius can refer pain to the lower back, sacrum, and even the outer thigh, mimicking sciatica symptoms.

- Addressing trigger points in the QL can sometimes relieve pain that radiates into the lower abdomen and groin.

Benefits of JANMI Massage and Trigger Point Therapy:

- Holistic Approach: The JANMI Method treats the body as an interconnected system, ensuring comprehensive care.

- Customised Care: Each session is tailored to the individual's specific needs, promoting effective and personalised treatment.

- Long-term Relief: By addressing the root causes of pain and incorporating exercises, the JANMI Method aims to provide lasting results.

- Enhanced Well-being: Improved muscle function, posture, and reduced pain contribute to overall physical and mental well-being.


Pain in the gluteus medius and quadratus lumborum when walking downstairs can significantly impact daily activities and quality of life. The JANMI Method, with its focus on massage, trigger point therapy, and personalised exercises, offers an effective and holistic approach to relieving this pain. By addressing the underlying causes and promoting overall well-being, this method helps individuals regain their mobility and enjoy a pain-free life.

For those struggling with pain and discomfort, the JANMI Method provides a path to relief and improved health. Embrace the benefits of this unique approach and experience the difference in your well-being.

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