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Writer's picturePaulius Jurasius

Reclaiming Strength: The Evolution of Our Lower Limb Muscles and the JANMI Method Approach

Lower limb anatomy

Let me take you back—back millions of years, to when our ancestors decided to take a bold step forward, quite literally. Imagine the moment our early relatives transitioned from four limbs to two, standing tall under the vast sky. This change didn't just affect their view of the world, but fundamentally altered their very beings—especially their lower limbs.

You see, when we decided to stand upright, we didn't just gain a new perspective on the world; we also challenged our muscles to adapt. Our quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors, and calf muscles took on new roles—roles that required them to support our entire body, propel us forward, and maintain balance with every stride we took. The lower limbs became not just our foundation, but our greatest tool for survival.

These muscles evolved to endure, to carry us across wild terrains, through dense forests, and over vast savannahs. They transformed our ability to chase, flee, explore, and ultimately become the inventive beings we are today. Our ancestors' journeys were marked by miles of movement, each step strengthening their connection to the earth beneath them. Their muscles were living testaments to resilience, forged by nature's demand for adaptability and strength.

Fast forward to today. Our journey has led us indoors, confined to chairs and car seats, our legs bent at unnatural angles for hours on end. The muscles that once carried us across continents are now locked in inactivity, slowly weakening under the weight of a lifestyle we were never built for. Our lower limbs have become stiff, sore, and disconnected from their natural purpose—left to grapple with tightness, knee pain, and lower back strain.

This modern era has given rise to what I call a crisis of mobility. A crisis where our bodies, meant to be dynamic and capable, are becoming restricted and fragile. If we don’t intervene, the future doesn’t look promising. The next fifty years could bring an epidemic of chronic pain, limited mobility, and a life that feels smaller—not because of technology or opportunity—but simply because our bodies can't keep up.

This is where the JANMI Method steps in—a method born from my passion for movement, cultivated through my own journey that began when I was just 18. Back then, I would spend hours outdoors, letting my body move in ways that felt right—running through fields, climbing trees, swimming in rivers. I wasn't following a program or plan; I was simply allowing my body to do what it was made to do.

Those experiences shaped me, and as I moved into the world of professional manual therapy, I realised that there was something powerful in the way I moved then. It was natural, it was fluid, and it was in tune with the world around me. The JANMI Method embodies that spirit—it combines the knowledge I've gained from years of hands-on work with patients, with the simple, powerful truth of movement as nature intended.

The JANMI Approach to Lower Limb Health

The JANMI Method blends sports massage, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release to rejuvenate and strengthen the muscles of the lower limbs. By understanding the interconnectedness of our muscle groups and treating the root causes of dysfunction, we offer a pathway not just to relief, but to true recovery.

  • Sports Massage focuses on relieving tension and boosting circulation, helping the muscles recover from prolonged inactivity and regain their vitality.

  • Trigger Point Therapy addresses those deep knots that restrict movement, unlocking areas of tension that hold us back from natural, fluid movement.

  • Myofascial Release targets the connective tissue surrounding these muscles, freeing restrictions that limit our flexibility and contributing to a more dynamic range of motion.

At 49 Marylebone High Street, every session is designed with you in mind. I don’t just want to reduce your pain—I want to give you back the ability to move freely, to feel strong and capable, just as we were meant to be. The JANMI Method is about more than treatment; it’s about restoration. It’s about giving you the tools to reconnect with your body, to once again feel that powerful sense of freedom and connection that our ancestors knew so well.

If you’re feeling the effects of modern life on your lower limbs, I’d love to help. Together, we can restore balance, reduce tension, and give you back the power of movement. Your body is capable of so much more than you might think—it’s time to rediscover that potential. To book a session, simply visit our website or give us a call. We look forward to helping you on your journey to better lower limb health.

Warm regards,

Paulius, Founder of the JANMI Method

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