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The Core of the Matter: How the JANMI Method Strengthens the Deep Core to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Abdominal Anatomy

By Paulius Jurasius, Founder of the JANMI Method

As the first Homo sapiens stood upright, taking their first steps across the savannah, they had no idea that their movement would shape the future of humanity. These early humans were pioneers of balance, with their bodies evolving to support upright posture through the use of critical muscles—the deep core. This silent but powerful network of muscles—the transverse abdominis, multifidus, and diaphragm—kept them upright, stable, and agile.

Fast forward to the modern age, and we see how life has drastically changed. Our ancestors were always moving, engaging their core muscles in natural activities like walking, climbing, and hunting. But in today’s world, we sit for hours, hunched over screens, our bodies no longer challenged in the ways they once were. This shift has led to a growing number of musculoskeletal issues, most notably, lower back pain.

The Deep Core and Evolution: From Upright Walkers to Desk-Bound Workers

The deep core was, and still is, the foundation of our movement. It stabilised the body as early humans moved across various terrains, offering support to the spine during daily survival tasks. Back then, engaging these muscles was second nature.

But modern life has brought new challenges. Today, we spend more time sitting than moving, leaving our core muscles underused and weak. Without the natural movement patterns of our ancestors, our bodies have adapted to the sedentary demands of modern life. The result? Widespread lower back pain, poor posture, and a weakened core.

In fact, studies show that 80% of adults will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives, largely due to the lack of engagement in these vital core muscles. What was once the centre of stability has now become a weak point for many.

Modern Pathologies: Weak Core, Strong Pain

When the deep core muscles weaken, the lower back—which relies on their support—becomes vulnerable. This is where the JANMI Method steps in. Our method is a comprehensive approach that focuses on understanding and addressing the key muscles and fascia most affected by the challenges of modern life. It involves a combination of manual therapy, such as Trigger Point Therapy and Myofascial Release Therapy, and targeted exercises. We know that a weak deep core can lead to issues like disc herniation, sciatica, and spinal misalignment.

At JANMI, we dive deep into the anatomy of the core muscles, exploring how modern-day activities contribute to the imbalance of these structures. Our Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release Therapy, and Neuromuscular Therapy are designed to not only release tension but also target the root causes of pain, allowing the deep core to regain its strength and stability.

My Inspiration Behind the JANMI Method

My journey in developing the JANMI Method began with a fascination for how our bodies respond to movement, or lack thereof. In observing the sedentary lifestyle of so many, I realised that pain often originates from the neglect of key muscles, particularly the deep core. Inspired by the complexity of human anatomy and the deep connection between mind, body, and spirit, I sought to create a method that not only relieves pain but restores balance. The JANMI Method is not just a treatment, it's a transformation, offering hope and optimism for those struggling with lower back pain.

At JANMI, we believe that healing goes beyond just therapy. It involves understanding the anatomical features of these core muscles, how they’re affected by daily life, and how to rebuild them. Through a combination of manual therapy and targeted exercises, we can reawaken the deep core, allowing our clients to move with ease and stability.

Exercises to Strengthen the Deep Core

Strengthening the deep core is crucial in relieving lower back pain. Here are a few exercises we recommend at JANMI to help activate these key muscles:

1. Dead Bug: This exercise engages the transverse abdominis, helping to stabilise the spine and build core strength.

2. Bird-Dog: A simple yet powerful movement that strengthens the multifidus, improving coordination and core stability.

3. Plank: One of the best ways to engage the entire core, the plank challenges the transverse abdominis and improves posture.

4. Diaphragmatic Breathing: Engaging the diaphragm through deep breathing helps strengthen the core while improving posture and reducing tension.

At JANMI, we don’t just prescribe exercises; we tailor them to your unique needs, ensuring that your deep core muscles are properly activated and strengthened. Our comprehensive approach, combining these exercises with our manual therapy techniques, offers a reassurance and confidence in the treatment of lower back pain.

Share Your Experience and Join the Conversation

I would love to hear your thoughts. Have you experienced lower back pain? Do you feel your core is as strong as it should be? Share your story with me, and I’ll personally offer some insights and tips on how to strengthen your core and find relief from pain. Your engagement is not just welcome, it's valued and appreciated, as it contributes to our supportive community.

To be continued...

Disclaimer: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or exercise, especially if you have an existing medical condition. Your safety and well-being are our top priority.

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