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Writer's picturePaulius Jurasius

The Future of Gluteus Muscles and Deep Hip Rotators in the Age of AI: Integrating the JANMI Method

Glute Muscle Anatomy Drawing

Dear Readers,

Have you ever considered the muscles that support your posture, enable fluid movement, and provide stability? Your glutes and deep hip rotators play a vital role in your overall well-being, yet they are frequently overlooked. These muscles aren't just functional parts of your body; they are the foundation of your strength, helping you move with purpose and keeping you grounded. But in today's digital age, where we spend so much time sitting and staring at screens, we have become increasingly disconnected from the power of these muscles—and the consequences are serious.

How the Digital Age is Weakening Our Bodies

The gluteal muscles and deep hip rotators have always been essential to our survival and evolution as a species. Our ancestors relied on these muscles to move across large landscapes, climb hills, hunt, and stay active throughout the day. The glutes provided the power, while the deep hip rotators acted as stabilizers—ensuring each movement was balanced, efficient, and strong. These muscles evolved to give us agility, stability, and strength, meant to be used constantly with every step, lift, and twist.

Fast forward to the present day, and our lifestyle has drastically changed. Instead of walking and running, we now spend most of our time sitting—whether at a desk, in a car, or on the couch. In our digital world, physical activity has been largely replaced by convenience. We order food with apps, ask AI to solve our problems, and work remotely without even getting out of our chairs. All this technology has brought incredible convenience, but at the cost of our physical well-being. Our glutes are growing weaker, our hip rotators are becoming tighter, and the natural connection between movement and muscle is being lost.

What Lies Ahead If We Don’t Change

If we keep living this way, the future looks concerning. Imagine a time when even standing comfortably becomes a struggle because our core muscles, glutes, and stabilizers are too weak. Chronic pain will be part of daily life, and simple actions like bending, lifting, or walking will become major challenges. The rates of hip replacements and back surgeries will skyrocket, and our quality of life will decline as we lose our ability to move naturally.

Our bodies were not designed for long hours of immobility, and if we don’t change our habits, we will see an increase in musculoskeletal issues that could have easily been prevented. Weak glutes lead to poor posture, back pain, hip problems, and a lack of overall strength and stability—all factors that deeply impact our independence and well-being.

Reconnecting and Strengthening for the Future

The good news is that it’s not too late to change. We can reconnect with our bodies, strengthen these vital muscles, and prevent these dire outcomes. For over 25 years, I’ve been working to develop personalized techniques that help restore our bodies to their natural strength and abilities. At our clinic in Marylebone, we specialize in bespoke treatments that bring the body back to balance. There is hope, and we are here to help you reclaim your strength and mobility.

Key Exercises for Healthy Glutes & Hip Rotators

One of the simplest yet most effective exercises is the deep squat. This isn't just any squat—it’s a slow, deliberate movement where you lower yourself as far as you comfortably can, breathing deeply, and feeling your glutes and hips engage as you come back up. Make sure your knees align with your toes and your heels stay grounded—these are key details to prevent injury. Deep squats help you reconnect with your natural movement and restore strength in your glutes.

Another excellent exercise is the hip bridge. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, and lift your hips towards the ceiling, squeezing your glutes at the top. This movement not only strengthens the glutes but also counters the negative effects of sitting for too long by opening up the hips and engaging stabilizers.

Lastly, try the seated hip external rotation. Sit on the floor with one leg extended and the other bent, foot flat on the ground. Slowly open the bent knee outward, feeling the deep stretch in your hip. This exercise helps maintain flexibility in the hip rotators, keeping your hips healthy and mobile.

How Our Treatments in Marylebone Can Help

Alongside exercises, we offer targeted therapies that directly address the weaknesses and tightness caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Sports massage is an excellent way to release tension and improve blood flow to the glutes and hip rotators, helping these muscles function as they should. Our specialized trigger point therapy targets those small, tight muscle knots that cause discomfort, gently releasing them to restore proper muscle function. Myofascial release is another key technique we use—it helps free the connective tissue around the muscles, improving mobility and reducing pain.

These therapies are not just about temporary relief—they are about creating lasting changes in how your body feels and moves. Our approach is grounded in a deep understanding of the body’s natural function—connecting movement, strength, and stability with how we live our daily lives. By treating your body with care and intention, you can reawaken the power within your glutes and hip rotators, allowing you to move freely, feel energized, and live a healthier life.

A Spiritual Journey Back to Movement

Movement is more than just physical; it’s deeply connected to our sense of self and the world around us. I remember hiking in the mountains, feeling my glutes and hip rotators activate with every uphill step. In those moments, I felt an incredible connection—not just to my body but to the earth beneath me and the natural rhythms that have guided human movement for thousands of years. This journey isn’t just about avoiding pain—it’s about embracing life, standing tall, and feeling truly rooted in the world. I want to help you take that journey, reconnect with your body, and unlock its full potential.

An Invitation to Reconnect

If you’re dealing with hip pain, stiffness, or simply feeling disconnected from your body, I invite you to take an active role in your health. Visit us at our clinic in Marylebone, located at 49 Marylebone High Street, London. Through sports massage, neuromuscular therapy, and personalized exercises, we can guide you in rediscovering the strength and stability that are already within you. Together, let’s bring energy back into your body—one movement, one breath, one intention at a time.

Disclaimer: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise or therapy routine.

With warmth and encouragement,

Paulius Jurasius

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