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Understanding Medial Knee Pain After Leg Press Exercise: How JANMI Trigger Point Therapy Can Help

Knee anatomy illustration

Hello everyone,

It’s Paulius here, founder of JANMI Massage. Today, I want to address a common issue many gym-goers face: pain on the medial part of the knee, especially after leg press exercises. This discomfort can significantly impact your ability to walk and perform daily activities. Let's explore what might be causing this pain, which tissues could be affected, and how JANMI trigger point therapy can be a game-changer in your recovery.

Medial Knee Pain: What's Happening?

Medial knee pain refers to discomfort on the inner side of your knee. This type of pain can arise from various tissues and structures, especially following strenuous activities like leg press exercises. When you experience this pain, particularly when putting pressure on the affected leg while walking, it’s crucial to understand the underlying causes.

Possible Tissues Involved

Several tissues might be contributing to your medial knee pain:

1. Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL):

The MCL is a ligament that runs along the inner side of your knee, providing stability. Overstretching or straining this ligament during exercises can lead to pain and inflammation.

2. Medial Meniscus:

The meniscus is a C-shaped cartilage that cushions your knee joint. Tears or injuries to the medial meniscus can cause sharp pain, especially during weight-bearing activities.

3. Pes Anserine Tendon:

The pes anserine is a group of tendons from three muscles that attach to the inner side of the knee. Tendinitis in these tendons can result in medial knee pain.

4. Quadriceps Muscles:

The quadriceps, particularly the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO), play a crucial role in knee stability. Tightness or trigger points in these muscles can refer pain to the knee.

5. Patellar Tracking Issues:

Improper alignment or movement of the kneecap (patella) during exercises can lead to stress on the medial knee structures, causing pain.

Why Does This Pain Occur After Leg Press Exercises?

Leg press exercises involve pushing a weight away from your body using your legs. This movement exerts significant pressure on the knee joints, especially if not performed correctly. Common issues that can lead to medial knee pain after leg press exercises include:

- Improper Form: Incorrect positioning or movement during the leg press can strain the medial knee structures.

- Excessive Weight: Lifting too much weight without proper conditioning can overstress the knee.

- Muscle Imbalances: Weakness or tightness in the surrounding muscles, such as the quadriceps or hamstrings, can affect knee alignment and lead to pain.

How JANMI Trigger Point Therapy Can Help

At JANMI Massage, we specialize in trigger point therapy, a powerful technique that targets specific points of tension within the muscles. This therapy can be particularly effective for relieving medial knee pain. Here’s how:

1. Identifying Trigger Points:

Our skilled therapists conduct a thorough assessment to identify trigger points in the muscles surrounding the knee, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles. These trigger points can refer pain to the medial knee.

2. Releasing Muscle Tension:

By applying targeted pressure to these trigger points, we help release muscle tension and improve blood flow. This can alleviate pain and reduce inflammation in the affected area.

3. Restoring Muscle Balance:

Trigger point therapy also helps restore balance to the muscles around the knee. This is crucial for proper knee alignment and function, reducing the likelihood of future pain and injury.

4. Improving Flexibility and Mobility:

In addition to pain relief, trigger point therapy enhances muscle flexibility and joint mobility. This can improve your overall performance in the gym and help you move more comfortably.

Interesting Facts and Scientific Insights

- Effective Pain Relief: Research has shown that trigger point therapy can significantly reduce pain and improve function in individuals with musculoskeletal pain.

- Holistic Approach: Trigger point therapy not only addresses the symptoms but also targets the root cause of the pain, providing long-term relief.

- Muscle Memory: Muscles have memory, meaning they can maintain tension patterns even after the initial cause has resolved. Trigger point therapy helps reset these patterns.

Client Success Stories

Many of our clients have experienced remarkable improvements in their knee pain through JANMI trigger point therapy. For instance, Sarah, a fitness enthusiast, struggled with medial knee pain after leg press exercises. After a few sessions, she noticed a significant reduction in pain and an improvement in her workout performance.

Why Choose JANMI Massage in London?

If you’re looking for the best trigger point therapist in London, JANMI Massage is your ideal choice. Here’s why:

- Expert Practitioners: Our therapists are highly trained in trigger point therapy and have extensive experience in treating knee pain.

- Personalized Approach: We tailor each session to your specific needs, ensuring you receive the most effective treatment.

- Comprehensive Care: Our holistic approach integrates trigger point therapy with other therapeutic techniques, providing comprehensive care for lasting results.

- Convenient Location: Located in Marylebone, we offer convenient access to top-quality trigger point therapy in London.


Medial knee pain after leg press exercises can be debilitating, but it doesn’t have to be. JANMI trigger point therapy offers an effective solution to manage and alleviate your pain. By targeting muscle tension and restoring balance, we help you achieve better knee health and overall well-being.

If you’re dealing with medial knee pain, I invite you to explore the benefits of JANMI trigger point therapy. With our expert practitioners and personalized approach, we can help you find relief and improve your quality of life.

Warm regards,

Paulius Jurasius

Founder, JANMI Massage

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